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GreenfootKara is a visual and interactive introduction to programming based on the Greenfoot IDE. It combines the proven concept of the mini-world Kara with Greenfoot’s flexibility and ease of use.

Note: If you prefer to work with an IDE like Eclipse or NetBeans instead of Greenfoot, take a look at GameGridKara.


Greenfoot is a simple development environment for Java. It allows very rapid development of interactive, graphical projects.


If you’re a teacher you can provide Greenfoot scenarios at any level of difficulty for your students. GreenfootKara contains many such scenarios with the ladybug Kara.

Greenfoot is great for novice programmers because one doesn’t have to deal with many of the difficulties when starting to program (like public static void main(String []) and friends). Nevertheless, Greenfoot is real Java and leaves all options open. Thus, advanced students can also implement very complex projects.


Kara is a ladybug that lives in a simple world with trees, leafs and mushrooms.

Kara Mushroom Leaf Tree

The rules of Kara’s world are simple:

Kara’s Actions

  • Kara can move around with move() (Kara can push a mushroom, can step on leafs but can’t walk through trees)
  • Kara turns left or right with turnLeft() or turnRight()
  • Kara puts down a leaf with putLeaf()
  • Kara picks up a leaf with removeLeaf()

Kara’s Sensors

  • Kara checks if he stands on a leaf with onLeaf()
  • Kara checks if there is a tree with treeFront(), treeLeft(), or treeRight()
  • Kara checks if there is a mushroom in front with mushroomFront()

Get Started

Download and install Greenfoot. After the installation you should be able to open and compile the predefined Kara scenarios (see downloads on the following pages).

To jump right in go to Chapter 1: First Steps.

To get more background about GreenfootKara and its design decisions visit Background Info (is especially recommmended for teachers).
